The Reality Of Now

The Reality Of Now

The sweet aroma of roses fade into a distant memory
Blackened pedals drift silently to the hardwood floor
Only to be swept away by a soft summer breeze

The light tickle of ivory once beckoned her embrace
Now as it echoes off these empty walls, it haunts me
Finding little consolation in my beliefs, I drown in her

Caring not to hear only a faint whisper on the wind
I long for my ears to bleed from her screaming my name
As my fingers glide across this cold faded photograph

I writhe in agony to feel her velvet skin beneath my touch
As night falls the endless silence becomes deafening

Alone with my memories of her, I pray for endless sleep

Wishing I could still smell her perfume on this empty satin
I clutch her pillow and silently whisper her name
Hoping to fade into darkness, never to rise again

A Divorced Child

A Divorced Child

She sits alone, so full of love
Yet needing to scream at the world.
Her innocence lost, too early in life
Taken by those who claim to love her the most.

She screams into the vicious winds of reality

Frustrated by the silence left behind
Each fallen tear is wrapped with love and pain
As she struggles to distinguish the difference

Only embraced by the wind

Her heart is that of a rose
Never given the sun to bathe in
Alone in the chill of darkness it dies

With her arms weakened by the weight of life

She reaches for her memories of laughter
Hovering just beyond her fingertips
They taunt her as they fade into the black abyss

She remains a child needing to be held

yearning to be coddled in the warmth of love
Time will tell whether she reaches the light again
or she herself gets swept away into the darkness

By Brian K. Walters



Seperated by a thousand miles,
their hearts have never been closer.
She's with him when he wakes
and walks beside him in his dreams.

It only took a moment
to unite them for a lifelime.
Two lost souls
rejoicing in destiny.

Never before have they felt
so consumed by peace.
Comforted by the knowledge
Their search is over.

Soon the miles will fade
and she'll lay beside him in his arms.
Two sets of footprints joining together
forever walking as one.

The Phone Call

The Phone Call

Her fingers follow small streaks of rain
As they race for the bottom of the window.
The reflection of her endless brown eyes
Stays constant above her breath on the glass.

She doesn’t know the reasons why he left
She only knows the pain left in his absence.
Every night she prays to a God she hopes is listening
To bring him home back where he belongs.

Every morning she misses his hugs, laughter and smile.
At the bus stop she always turns to see no one there.
In class she can’t help but write his name over and over.
Sometimes she even hates him for leaving her alone.

After a long ride home she sees the fathers waiting there,
Then studies her friends faces as they light up with smiles.
Her eyes fade into silence as she begins her walk home.
She wants to cry but knows she has to be strong.

As she walks in the door the phone begins to ring.
On the other end she hears "Hi honey, it’s daddy!"
As the tears well in her eyes she replies "Hi daddy,
I Love you! When are you coming home?"

In a shaken voice he replies "I love you too honey,
I’ll be home soon. Just take care of mommy for me ok?"
"I will daddy" she said and handed her mom the phone.
She ran for her room and began to cry…

For she knows, just how long "soon" can be.

The Victim

The Victim

Slipping into the darkness

her cries go unheard
there is nowhere to hide
from a monster so close

There are those who suspect

yet remain silent
allowing her to live
in her hideous nightmare

She lives in constant fear

of waking the monster
she mustn't do anything wrong
she has to be perfect

In the safety of her peers

the monster demands silence
Their laughter puzzles her
Don't they have monsters too

Another night comes

careful not to leave a mark
the beast strikes again
her nightmare continues

Just another night among many

she weeps in the dark
wondering when if ever
someone will open their eyes

This poem is dedicated to the thousands of children

who suffer from child abuse. Please help put an end to their nightmare.
Don't close your eyes, lend a hand.

Thank You

Thank You

Sometimes, when walking in the rain
or stopping to look at a sunset
I'll think of you
and just smile.

I'll remember how life
used to dance in your eyes
and wonder
if it still does.

You taught me so many things in life
just by being yourself
like how to laugh
and how to live.

Do you remember when
we looked to the trees
and watched the wind
tickle the leaves?

You told me
"The simplest things in life
carry the most magic."
You were right.

Now as I wonder where you are
I'll pray you're safe
and thank you
from the bottom of my heart.

Brian K Walters

Right Here Beside You

Right Here Beside You

Staring at the shadows in the distance

I see painfully familiar faces
From behind the cold gray stones
the morning fog reveals their embraces

A blanket of roses begin their descent
as her eyes give birth to a parade of tears
I long to touch her face and whisper my name
just once to calm her fears

Though I may not, my love for her will always remain

I wish I could embrace her warmth and remove her pain
For such a woman, a gift from God to my life
I will always be so grateful to have had for my wife

I am so sorry my love for leaving you here in this world alone

To return to five rooms full of memories in what was once our home
I hear your weeping sobs at night as you cry out my name
This empty house contains my soul yet I know it’s not the same

I’m here beside you wishing I could hold your hand

As you lie alone and stare at our picture on the nightstand
I will not leave you to enter the light
Until this pain has lifted and your heart takes flight

Be not afraid my love to continue your journey through life

Do not hide your heart, for I will be here when you enter the light
Until you are safe and find your beautiful smile once again
By your side I’ll stay and guard you until your new life begins

Brian K. Walters

The Proposal

The Proposal

As we sat on this pebbled beach,
thousands of tiny white bubbles danced to the shore.
With our socks discarded on the stones,
we dipped our toes in the warm crevices left behind.

Gently I brushed away the strands of gold from her eyes
as they danced on the summer wind.
I remember she looked at me and without saying a word,
told me she loved me with her smile.

“Do you think we’ll always be together?” she asked
as her eyes awaited mine in response.
My fingers nervously fumbled through my pocket
as I turned to her and replied…

I'll never forget how nervous I was
“I hope so. I’d hate to have to return this”.
As I opened the small velvet covered box,
her eyes lit up and she jumped into my arms.

I’ll never forget the excitement in her smile
as she pressed her lips against mine.
Even the incredible beauty of the sunset behind her,
couldn’t come close to that of hers.

With a great sense of relief I said
“I guess I can take that as a yes?”
She smiled and her eyes danced with life
as she kissed me again and again.

“Yes!” she replied.
I could feel my heart pounding through my chest
as we fell to the soft blanket of sand.
For the first time in my life, I felt… complete.

By Brian K. Walters

The Writer

The Writer

Sometimes I sit here wondering what to write.
Do I write about you?
How losing you shattered my life,
Or do I write about you in the present tense?
To fool myself and the reader,
Into thinking everything is still ok.

Shall I reminisce about the day I proposed?
Or how life used to dance in your eyes,
And I felt so complete.
Do I let my pain and anger flow into words,
Hiding my tears behind thin scrolls of ink
As I confess my sorrow?

Maybe I’ll write about someone else,
So for a moment I can live their life
And hide from mine.
I know, I’ll write about a sunset,
Or a morning cup of coffee
That seems safe.

No, that won’t work.
A sunset reminds me of your beauty
And you died in the morning.

Brian K Walters

Katie And Her Kite

Katie And Her Kite

The smile on her face was brighter than the sun surrounding her.
I couldn’t help but laugh as her infectious giggle rode the wind.
“Make it go higher daddy!” she said while running by my side.
Her voice fluttered with every step she took through the sand.

With her hands cupped above her eyes and her head tilted,
I chuckled thinking she looked like she would fall over backwards.
I watched her eyes follow every move that little yellow kite made.
It was then I realized, how much she looked like her mother.

As she stood by my side I asked, “Do you want to fly it?”
She nodded with excitement as I took her hands into mine.
“You have to hold on tight and don’t let go”, I said with a smile.
“Ok daddy” she replied as the kite hovered high in the air above.

Suddenly her expression turned from pride to curiosity,
“What happens if I let go of the string?” she asked.
“Well, the kite will fly higher and higher until it’s out of sight.”
Satisfied with my answer, her smile returned once again.

We flew our kite for hours that bright and sunny afternoon.
Our laughter filled the air as we cherished every minute of that day.
Then suddenly her smile changed and a look of peace donned her face.
Without warning, she let go of the string and raised her arms to the sky.

We both watched as the kite climbed until it was gone.
A little puzzled, I looked at her and asked, “Why did you let it go?”
“It was so much fun daddy, I wanted to give mommy a turn”.
I gave her a hug and whispered, “Your mother would be proud of you.”

As we made our way back from the sand dunes that day,
I stopped and turned for one last look into the sunset.
I could only picture her mother smiling while flying that kite.
It was then I knew, this would always be a day to remember.

~ By Brian K . Walters

The Performance

The Performance

My ticket was the warm cup of coffee in my hands.
As I entered the theater the screen door slammed
My red carpet was the old faded rug by the door
I sat in the balcony to enjoy the view from my porch

With great anticipation I waited for the show to begin
As my cheeks were gently tickled by the morning wind
The orchestra of songbirds began to gently play
As the curtain of darkness was lifted by the light of day

Bright and amazing colors of the sunrise began the light display
As a soft golden hue slowly overtook the lazy morning gray
The character of the fog silently receded from the stage
Unveiling a lake of glass still sleeping beneath the haze

The pure and simple beauty as well as the peace of this place
Presented a performance which could never be replaced
From the edge of my seat on the old porch swing
I sat in awe and wondered what the next act would bring

A beautiful pair of swans began their loving dance of grace
I could just sense the loyalty in their hearts and on their face
Pleading for an encore I hoped this show would never end
Yet I know for this performance I’ll return again and again.

With a great sigh of contentment I rose from my seat
Comforted by the knowledge this show would repeat
As I turned to witness the curtain of darkness fall
I knew I had seen the greatest performance of all

Brian K. Walters ©2007 Brian K Walters



A soft golden glow bathes the room in its warmth
The world stops for a moment …
Time stands still and allows our trials and worries
To fade into a tranquil blanket of peace and security

A softhearted melody emerges in the background
Giving birth to the personality of the night
White curtains of lace flirt with a summer breeze
As playful shadows dance freely across the room

Framed memories of yesterday adorn a dusty mantle.
While next to them lie a fragrant bouquet of crimson roses
Dusting the air with their sweet scent of serenity
Soon a gentle night rain begins its lullaby

A pair of shining footprints reflect the candlelight
In a path leading from a warm bath to the bedroom
Light sounds of passion and laughter echo off the walls
As this home is filled with the beauty of love and life

By Brian K. Walters