Thank You

Thank You

Sometimes, when walking in the rain
or stopping to look at a sunset
I'll think of you
and just smile.

I'll remember how life
used to dance in your eyes
and wonder
if it still does.

You taught me so many things in life
just by being yourself
like how to laugh
and how to live.

Do you remember when
we looked to the trees
and watched the wind
tickle the leaves?

You told me
"The simplest things in life
carry the most magic."
You were right.

Now as I wonder where you are
I'll pray you're safe
and thank you
from the bottom of my heart.

Brian K Walters

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is so true!its the little things that mean the most! and can hurt the most!always enjoy what we have instead of complaining about what we dont have cause there could be no tommorow!!!! pretty things fade in time but whats on the inside will allways shine!